2019-04-01 - Major Site Update News!


Deadlands Special Part 2

This transcript is incomplete.

hi everyone Alex here with a quick

reminder that today’s episode is part

two of our Horus special from rusty cool

gaming so if you didn’t hear part one

last week you might want to check out

that episode before this one we’ll be

releasing the first of our competition

winning entries next week so thanks for

listening and we hope you enjoy today’s

episode hi everyone

then here I’d just like to take a moment

to thank some of our patrons Garret

Monroe Chris Maine John W Thompson

Gavin Taylor black Eliza Margaret MJ

Stokes ish dawn a vison burger Marc

young Andrew Copelan Douglas Lewis thank

you all we really appreciate your

support if you’d like to join them go to

WWE tree on Comm forward slash rusty

quill and take a look at our rewards


hello and welcome to part two the

Deadlands Halloween special at the rusty

quill gaming odd cars if you haven’t

listened to episode one then none of

this would mean anything to you so go

back and listen to episode one we’ll see


it doesn’t take the few last week so

we’ll continue right now so everyone

here’s an ear-splitting scream from deep

inside the cabin Zeke you are part of

the way down your tunnel when you hear a

scream from behind you I will say for

our listeners that in the mean time

there has been some secret rollin

between Alex and the thing that was once

Black Jack Bronson but nobody except me

and Alex knows how that went

so Zeke turns around and Sprint’s

towards the screen you run almost bodily

into Fletcher hopefully flee what

happened oh I don’t know I don’t know

Black Jack went weird so we gotta go

there’s the thing and we got a flurry it

back there go nuts I’m immediately

standing up and trying to just run past

League I reluctantly let him flee okay

we then go down the tunnel towards the

terrifying evil monster because I am NOT

a genre savvy okay you could can’t hear

anything from the front of you

it’s about minute of walking same as

Fletcher no sound no movement you cast

your Lantern around it’s a small roughly

hewn cavern you see the scratches on the

wall you see the nest of discarded

clothes and lying in the center of the

room surrounded by a pool of translucent

a core

his blackjack Bronson’s skin it looks

almost entirely whole but there is

nothing inside it the face is very

recognizable his moustache sags

obscenely zzzquil poke at the skin with

his club just don’t poke the thing just

to see if there’s anything there and

then he’ll do the same to the other

piece of skin it looks and then I go

into the nest he’s just gonna poke

around I don’t want to get too close how

many other pieces of skin they sort of

start the flow away and you can see that

they are also complete people’s Worth’s

of skin some further decayed than others

maybe four or five collections is there

anything in the nest if I go and poke

around nothing you can see oh there’s a

pocket watch actually that might fetch a

few dollars it’s covered in blood I

pocket it mean wildly yep Fletcher runs

screaming into the main part of the cave

flea I immediately start trying to rub

up this

okay he’s trying to grab a horse Victor

what’s going on death dewmocracy and

shaking death only gonna get my flesh

against his chest oh come on now what’s

going on we gotta flee oh yeah three

people go in one person comes in exactly

look at me I can’t take them how do I

know we got guns

they cut a little things take it I’d

literally hand over my derringer we

gotta go

you’re going right now it twice you shot

this well yeah I shot this the things

trying to get me

I didn’t hear a gunshot I heard you

scream too during this conversation

carla has taken Marjorie down is now

holding it at chess okay new plan okay

great here’s what I’m gonna do right I

am gonna I’m gonna sit here like on the

ground okay you can point your guns at

me that’s fine as long as one of you

keeps pointing your gun at that cave

because death lots of death death what

does that mean point Zeke looking a bit

bloodier than he did when he went down

the tunnel emerges into the mouth of the

kill it kill it now Oh God where’s

blackjack some

I see I told you I told you what is that

thing’s gonna bond and we gotta kill it

or or we have an extra horse and we flee

we flee away we go we got that’s a posse

out there looking for us posses don’t

eat people they put them in jail no I

don’t shoot them or they hang them oh

yeah uh it’s probably just a coyote or

something sure that I mean it kind of

ate him while I was there and it was

invisible and it ate him from the inside

out and it’s gonna kill us all ish so

what am I talking about

I don’t know cuz I can’t see it let’s go

give me my gun or something we flee we

go like how how is no one perturbed by

this but this is my point

literally dead there’s a posse outside

that’s definitely gonna kill us

sounds like a Cody growl to me sounds a

lot like death let’s stick together

let’s hunt this thing and I’ll guard the

horses you are coming with why cuz I

don’t like you what do you think Carl

the voice of experience as a suggestion

we’re at the mouth of the cave and

outside there’s a posse and that’s very

dangerous insider may or may not be some

danger why don’t we Romania maintain a

watch looking in both directions wait it

out that’s an excellent plan let’s do

that let’s wait are I the horse I am not

waiting for a code to come for me you’ve

got a gun he’s got a huge gun in there

and I’m finding it I’m killing it best

of luck to you as well that’ll slow see

I’ve never seen an animal eat before

they get slow after that’s you know what

you should you should go home that thing

tell you what you give me my gun back I

wanna sneak coward

come with me have a good time guys

that’ll be great

I I wish you all the best if you’d allow

me to keep my gun oh hi every place the

posse come I’ll keep them at bay I’ll

hang back urine is good back not trust

him with it he’s likely to take a shot

at you and Sherlock get out on his own

you give things look just don’t give me

any bullets

why do you need to come then I’ll hold

it and feel better

I’m gonna listen to that guy why look at


yeah he’s big when you should know how

to coyote oh my god if we’re if we’re

going anywhere we’ve got to stick

together there’s no sense that’s leavin

this useless little toss piece short or

captioning tell us tell everyone where

we are

smash cut - you’re in the cave yeah

going down I’m gonna say you are at the

crossroad presumably all of us because

there’s no way - yes yes you are in

front with obviously all the guns

pointed at your back are actually

pointed at any dangers that might be in

front of you you are currently at the

way of the cave splits we’ll go down the

right one first the one just to make

sure we thoroughly explore the nest okay

yeah you can find you can find your

lantern it is fine I almost picked up a

go see see everything’s fine you can

give me my gun because I’m in front of

you all anyway just Everett keeps ya

mannan you can see that there is a nest

which looks like it’s been gradually

built up from stolen clothes piles of

complete sets of human skin huh see see

I don’t eat people you know why because

because I couldn’t fit him in where

would I put and in the middle with a

nice neat seam down the back is the skin

of blackjack Watson I’m gonna pull a

Hamid need for bit I’m gonna use the

opportunity to try to steal my gun back

James could you make me a smart roll oh

one is a six eight total yeah based on

what you’re seeing here you’d probably

be willing to wager that whatever took

you on that job was not black Jack

Bronson hmm based on your based on what

you’ve seen of him before your

suspicions and the fact that his skin

suit is now lying yeah they need to roll

in order higher than you would have

before you started playing yeah Karl is

a very

man many things is the row before you

know I don’t think that blackjack your

Brunson that took us on job same as what

chuckles no no from years ago I

continued trying to steal my gun Oh make

me a stealth roll until I make a yes me

too cuz I’m no you you’re too busy

thinking right oh five the six explodes

to an eleven you have your gun back I

have my gun back you did not notice and

proceeded to on the sly try and just

load it or something with with with an

eleven I’m gonna say yeah you can get

your gun back and you can load it as I

like I dropped it when I was robbed yeah

I just I just pocketed no one knows that

I have my gun but I’d rather have a gun

guns are good oh yeah I’m just going to

explore this carbon fully maybe or a

coyote you see you see this this is what

I’m getting at well what do you what do

you think it was I I think it was death

on legs I think it was death on legs and

it’s coming for us we can leave there

are horses horses have for this thing

presumably have animals the damage the


oh no he’s still just some you stick a

some Cup I’m almost it’s the best bit

it’s like crackling delicious I’m gonna

throw my hat win Fletcher here I see you

i just take my trinity in the past a

smart you know i don’t know what’s going

on if I have a point I think I mean you

know a better good tell them you know

cuz you can show a double-faced one

animal or dozen angry townsfolk I’m

starting to think I want to take out the

town’s folk if you never had a hanging

Posse asked me before you don’t know why

you’re talking I can’t hear nothing I

know I listen there’s no okay so I’m

just off backing and standing

deliberately right next to cigarillo so

you want to hunt this thing that’s a

great idea how do you feel you feel I’m

safe now we can go guard the entrance

yeah no I still don’t trust you

oh come on man no way alright we should

stay together

you know I grabbed one of the lanterns

and I start walking back to the fork

okay this is great we’re heading back

the way we came

everything is fine we’re going to leave

when we get back to the fork I turn down

the roof okay really I call ANOVA you’re

absolutely sure about this Lud

yes I’m waiting about fork and I’m not

even near the entrance because I’m

afraid they’ll kill me if I do

down the tunnel cuz I’m afraid I’ll die

if I go there Carl tosses up the options

looks at these two measly pathetic

excuses look I’ll give my best boys

smile with a little slicked comb over my


I’ll sigh and I kind of still shaking a

bit but get around behind him and stop

pushing him down with my pistol jammed

in the smaller business you know that

I’m good for it like everything’s fine

sure there’s nothing you can do I’ve got

your gun oh wait oh no I must have

dropped it sorry I’ve lost you gone oh

come on

that’s awful I’m so annoyed further down

that passage it goes on for quite a

while getting deeper and deeper

and it splits off into what looks like

to be a small network of passages I very

slowly to show that I’m not trying to

pick a fight pull out my hidden knife an

etchant arrow scratching it into the

rock pointing back the way we came and

then very slowly and obviously for

everyone put it back where it came from

and good thinking Fletcher maybe you’re

not so useless after all

oh my god please I can hold the gun

someone else will go by pixi and I’m

going to load the rifle oh yeah you

can’t actually be like oh yeah sure as

soon as it bolt action it doesn’t matter

it’s one shot I reload it cool I’ve got

some experience truckin animals when

you’re out here for long as I’ve been in

like deep American West I’m not gonna be

accident obviously but I’ve acquired a

cynic about trucking experience so look

around you probably used to be a poacher

back in it yeah Carl starts picking

things up and it’s looking across oh

that’s not feces

that’s not theses fusco feces meanwhile

what is it he’s now bizarrely the

driving of wars with the plant guys I

just have to say

I’m enjoying so much being the airhead

job in a horror movie scenario I’m the

idiot who never learned how horribly

yeah I’m gonna ask Carl which way we

should go and do some sort of track yeah

they’re just gonna let rocks and call

them feces yeah for the third thing you

lick is still not feces Oh which point

you’re kind of give up on that

particular method of trapping and notice

the launch drag marks robot which is

address of real article of me together

there’s no strike marks they’re quite

old you reckon a couple of weeks maybe

but they go from this passage through

the dirt and it curved into one of the

tunnels meaning I can I throw what has

been dragged it looks like people it

looks like a person there are two lines

as though legs are being dragged sure

there’s one thing I know it’s the marks

made by bodies it’s dragged out by

position under the arms across into a

passage in a doomed uh a very specific

knowledge you can’t board schools it’s

also it’s the thing that carried a

person away let’s list the animals that

carry things away humans yes okay humans

are scary what they don’t steals like

who do you know whose skins people I’ve

walked down that passage now that Kyle’s

pointed it I’m gonna continue bickering

quite being for sure I’m guy in Brooklyn

who said it’s key to a heading down the

passage you two are still bickering so

who is not currently carrying a lantern

Carl isn’t because I was having a

two-handed rifle the rest of us have

like that yes or no I’ve loaded my rifle


so you two are bickering you two are

heading down this passage it leads to a

smaller room and in the walls

it’s got divots sort of carved and

hanging from them look to be very old

hooks some of which yes have more skin

on them but in the corner is quite a

well-kept looking chest or a trunk

probably the sort you use for coach

I walk over to it and attempt open it it

is not locked inside a lot of money a

lot of jewelry valuables some small

books some guns ammo and it’s quite a

prominent leather-bound journal I close

the chest again and say may not have

been a wasted trip all together let’s

take this back to the horses I don’t

want to admit I can’t repeat there is a

gunshot and your lantern explodes

plunging you into darkness like curse

loudly James mm-hmm

could you make me a fighting roll sudden

you feel yourself getting claws into

your shoulders and you are dragged away

already of us see this because we’ve got

some other well that depends what sort

of vocalizations you make Oh get off me

I’m not giving you a piggyback God pull

off with your Caltex rifle into us there

are gunshots you see just a few

milliseconds of Carl being bodily lifted

by it looks like a skinless human with

large pointed teeth and wicked claws I

drop everything I’m holding except for

my club and I’m gonna just jump forward

and give a wild swing above the level of

Carl’s head you’ll be making me a

fighter at minus 6 because it is pitch

darkness that seems fair - for I might

use a free roll on that yeah that was a

zero on my details I’m gonna re-roll it

and a four so 14 Wow alright so with

tonight yeah okay that’s a hit they

throw me your damage please fourteen

both the 8x8 floats because you are just

you’re a huge horrible bruiser

sixteen damage the club smashes into

something and you hear a squelch

now no longer being gripped by Palance

oh oh oh I’ve got I’ve got oil sweet

home John where are we more wheezing

during this

you have heard a scream and then a kind

of squirrel tree hit sound and there’s a

relief Oxman yes I will immediately drop

my lantern begin to flee realize that

there’s no lights because we’re too deep

run back to grab my lantern at the same

time I’m gonna run forward with my gun

okay it’s a try to help the scene that’s

illuminated is an Old York Sherman

bleeding from the shoulders horrify a

large southern man with a club standing

looking very pleased with himself

I’m looking around see if I can hit it

again you can see basically a flash of

red disappearing down one of the tunnels

no Norris I’m gonna cave come on come on

all right I guess so almost to jump me

well there’s originals where the girly

screams patting himself down go confuse

you book it you’re checking me mints

good could you tracking no actually

notice rolls noses are all from everyone

everyone including people who are

failing to play explodes 14 914 read

cool just like old times

Bryn you can pretty much hear where it’s

going follow it through the tunnels yeah

then you hear what sounds like shouting

from the direction of the entrance guys

I think the posses here I can hear

shouting at the entrance and our lovable

cowards was running away I believe I

wasn’t aiming for love that’s great

hateable cowards I picked up my lantern

and I am fleeing to our entrance because

you know what you’re all great people

die for you okay

as you run you can see the light of the

entrance approaching and everything’s

fine a silhouette steps into it

am I able to tell anything more than a

silhouette it has a wide brimmed half I

immediately turn around and flee back

into the cave okay I respond to cielos

yell of the posse is here by then the

best thing to do is get deeper in these


come on went that way sure thing okay

you follow it for a little while it

looks like most of these

empty from what you can see and there is

one other nest that you find there’s not

as much skin in that one it looks like

most of the skin is in that strange

wardrobe that you found Alex yes as you

run back down yeah in the light of your

torch you can see something something is

running towards you something red and

angry please make me a cut small - - now

the Deadlands has actually quite a

complicated fear role system because

there is the fear level of the area

because everywhere is a different level

of spooky

this place is 3 spooky 3 spooky it goes

all the way up to 6 spooky which is when

the entire landscape like hills or

skulls like the road is made of bones

the trees are actually we’re gonna power

how are the transport links in this

areas it is affordable I mean it depends

on how many spikes you’re happy to have

in your flesh while you travel like fix

is basically a hellscape it’s 3spooky

fight basically it’s three spooky so

minus 3 you’re a coward

so minus another two on you do however

have one point of grit yes plus one

coarse grit is how numb you are to

everything being horrible so this is a

minus 4 minus 4 I have to hit four you

have to hit four so you need an eight so

it really has to explode yes I lose come

on he’s got a six

okay I already have one God God and a

four he’s gonna turn so yeah there’s a

skinless angry to feel or man running

towards you and strangely your

adrenaline kicks in and all those false

going the other way what do you do you

are currently in the passageway between

the entrance and the fork it is coming

up from the fork and the entrance is a

silhouette of a man and a wide-brimmed

hat oh it’s a coward nightmare no matter

where I flee I flee towards death I am

going to die


I am going to draw my gun if possible

and plant two shots in it while

continuing to run it and desperately try

and run around it in the narrow corridor

as ill-advised as that is many a shootin

wrong but I can keep exploding these

right that’s a thing they can have I

mean in sabot worlds yes I got a 5

that’s a hit

roll me your damage is damaged okay

that’s 2d6 it’s alright guys I got this

I’m gonna save as well it’s already got

16 prints still save you if you don’t if

it dies 11 I may explode if you’ve

rolled a 6 oh okay

6 7 8 9 10 11 and then the second roll

on the 6 was a further 2 so 13 13 the

bullets think of the shoulder praying

it’s a flesh and it : just now asking us

all over the walls it’s sort of tumbles

it’s not dead and it’s not stopping but

it does mean you can just press yourself

against the wall and let it kind of

Scrabble past you it’s not trying to

kill you anymore because you’ve heard it

that’s fine I am going to push my look

because I’m that foolish a character and

if possible I’m going to try and swing

the lantern at its head as it goes by me

alright yeah make me make me a fight and

roll a minus 1 because it is very

provides weapon fighting roll 5 minus 1

I mean you sort of shove the lantern in

it which costs its jagged horrible

spacing ok you didn’t get a real good

look at it when it was coming no you


no okay so you made things worse for

yourself good great it is currently

running off towards the entrance I then

proceeded to try and just run back to

all the other people who I know won’t

kill me on sight

ok yep you get back you get back into

the tunnels with deeper in right you

haven’t heard any real movement around

until someone runs in shouting your car

I’m gonna take a snapshot at the thing

that runs in maybe shooting off in the

panic if a gun please no no this is the

best Abdallah

are you shooting me well as weapons when

you burst into the room we’ve really

scared people with yeah

seven seven that’s a hint Romney you’re

damaged please seven seven okay what’s

your toughness my toughness is five so

that’s enough to shake you but not wound

you basically the shoots clips right

past Jory oh geez ha ha

sneak up on people like us sure I shot

it it’s not dead and the sheriff’s here

and the sheriff’s at the entrance and

the creatures between us and the sheriff

which is a good thing and I shot it

which is a good thing but the creatures

there which is a bad thing and there’s a

creature and it’s not no face and it’s

there it’s at the front I love many of

the bow they have is they just this one

that’s been wounded Joe they’re of us

around two nests right well the first

one was a second homeowner where’s maybe

maybe have a larger or something do you

think it’s breeding

let’s go of actually have a chance and

see what’s going on I know you can’t be

nice yeah calm because the sheriff’s at

the entrance so or at least something

like oh that’s rewards the entrance and

see what’s coming there’s just one of

them there’s still four of us yes okay

we won’t engage unless we have to okay

if we do it’s common ooh do you know

this just it’s a narrow passage it’s

full of us with guns I’m sure I died

load my gun and place myself a central

between everyone else as possible so

you’re starting to head to back up

towards the engine yeah much much more

cautiously than before who’s going first

yeah we’re shuffle round and push him to

the front yeah I thought you were just a

yellow-bellied streak of the yellow or

belly but it turns out actually you got

spine and I think that’s not a mixed

message Oh on you go

I can’t hop alonein alright you go I’m

gonna grab my rifle and rest it on

Fletcher’s shoulder and just sight down

it as we walk up so that he’s

stabilizing it for me like a mobile Mad

Max yeah yeah

nice enough not to pick the fight moves

the Lanson to his left hand having

already reloaded his gun pockets his gun

and then puts his finger in his ear next

to that gun because he’s a coward he’s

not an idiot as you head up towards the

entrance you can start to hear voices

drifting down yeah

can’t see much though gunshot was it

yeah don’t you mean that about five

minutes you any deeper Wyatt don’t look

to be running back

oh no just the entire group look at me

as quietly as I possibly can and I

actually mean that I turned meaningfully

to look to everyone else and mouth I put

one hand over his mouth and gesture to

the other members of the party but we

should cover the lanterns I do so yeah



so can we see him is Easter like

silhouetted against the mouth of the

cave you are not currently at a stage

where you can no line of sight no

otherwise they would have seen your

antennas oh right I shout come on

goodness if you want us Carl

Emma drops to one mean also said himself

and he aims up the no no no I say I will

position the lanterns on the floor

either side of the passageway uncover

them and gesture sure we want to back

off a little

okay if people will allow it Allen cover

my lantern and point it immediately

behind us in towards the dark terrifying

tunnel so I’m going down on a knee as

well with my right

and yet shaking slowly let them come

into the light first what you thinking

well I reckon if we head down there they

got the advantage it’s a bald man I say

we’ve done right on the answers believe

me man come on cor you’ll be doing this

along guess what do we do right well

there’s one thing that I is a true

Pollack York Sherman no it’s the dangers

of cave-ins in mining scenarios we don’t

wanna get stuck down here okay so we’re

gonna rush normally fun that’s Russian

yeah okay

hey watch you go first no it’s okay I

I’ve got it back I start running okay

I’ll follow thee Ben

there are 20 of them outside oh dear all


Anat as you run Abel dives to the side

and shout something and they all start

shooting you are as they turn to ride

off leave your moldering bodies for the

Arizona Sun uncle Abel just readjusts

his face sheriff lead fled anywhere just

fleeing as an to be fair got shotting

the sheriff kind of signed a lot of your

death one yes I think all that Florence

is a boy yeah thank you all for joining

us for this spooky skinny massacre

massacre because Halloween episode that

ends with all of the players alive and

saying there’s not a good one

and don’t even get me started on the




rust equal gaming is a podcast

distributed by rusty quilter common

licensed under a Creative Commons

Attribution non-commercial international

license today’s episode was recorded and

produced by Alexander J Newell to

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thanks for listening humans Steven don’t

sit around fast madness even if it were

to in a waltz the most appropriate dance

first time of the morning at this stage

in the season that would be ludicrous

you’ll be saying it was wearing a fancy

top hat and tails next and toasting the

Macarena there’s not as much skin in

that one it looks like most of the skin

is in that strange wardrobe that you

found it’s like a very sinister episode

of mr. bird I mean to be honest all

episodes and mr. Benn our sinister if

you ever think them missed miss mr. Ben

being a kids TV show in Britain from

years and years and years ago yes you

know we’re a very middle class man in a

bowler hat puts on other hats in a

costume shop and becomes all sorts of

spaceman nights and even at some points

a cowboy mm-hmm it’s mr. faceless

understand me buddy doesn’t have the

skin bitter I stand by my panic

statement of the Moustakas it doesn’t

have a moustache so this is the Old West

so he’s here correct

my backup was to pretend was to shoot

myself with my own gun in the shoulder

tie myself up and claim I was a hostage

