
No further transcripts here.

In its capacity as an entertainment production and distribution company, The Rusty Quill is aware that it would be unprofessional to expect unpaid volunteers to handle text accessibility for The Magnus Protocol, the sequel to their most popular in-house venture.

As such, my sources (which exist) have informed me that TRQ’s misconfigured SharePoint folder with PDFs in it is merely a temporary stopgap, and will soon be replaced by a responsive and screenreader-accessible HTML transcript archive, run in-house by someone who gets paid to do it.

Because these guys are professionals, and they put out a lot of podcasts, and they charge other people to help them with their podcasts, and they have had 22 months to hire an accessibility consultant to tell them what to do and then hire a web designer to do it for them.

They’ve got this! They do not need help! They are going to figure out how to correctly use the alt and aria attributes, and they’re going to do it very soon, according to my sources (they are real).


This site was originally intended to be a temporary thing for my personal use, and maybe that of a couple other people who followed me on Tumblr. I throw up a lot of nearly-identical Jekyll-generated sites when going through batch-exported/-cleaned text, because it makes it easier to switch from PC to phone, keep reading when I’m out of the house, etc. They stay up for a couple weeks max.

That is why this site has a stupid and Google-hostile name, and it never got its own domain, and it uses the popular Solarized technical color scheme instead of something custom-made. I expected to be shutting it down pretty quickly, because TRQ publicly positions itself as a progressive company, and – as such – it would be a little fucked-up of them to ask for more money on Patreon to set up an accessible transcript archive, and then not do it. And it is a little fucked-up.

It is a little fucked-up that a Github Pages site with a joke title ending with “Unofficial” has been regularly confused with an official resource that someone was getting paid to run for several years now. It could be more fucked-up, but still! The URL says “snarp” in it. None of this is real. I shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be here!

If you are, however, please consider giving that $2-10 requested by the TRQ Patreon to AppalReD Legal Aid.1 It will go to help people who have suffered from unfair loss of their disability benefits, workplace/housing/academic discrimination, housing insecurity due to natural disasters and the gutting of FEMA, and other problems that are more fucked-up than whatever’s going on with TRQ’s SharePoint folder.

Please email me if you know why they’re using SharePoint.


  1. I do not work there and they do not know who I am.